Writing Code

A reminder that early on, nothing really beats writing code for growing as a coder

Alex Strick van Linschoten


September 18, 2021

I read Daniel Roy Greenfeld’s post on how he found that coding a lot was key to improving his skills. It makes sense. Everything I’ve read so far and my previous experience at the metaskill of learning new things tells me that it is a good investment of time.

Just like you get good at writing by doing a lot of writing, on some level that is true for coding. (Of course, there are additional pieces to the puzzle: you have to develop some taste alongside the pure production side, you have to do some quality-control and refactor your code, and so on and so on.)

For me, this looks like the following:

One thing I took note of was how Daniel mentioned that it made sense to specialise and focus on one language at a time, particularly in the early days. Rather than indulging my curiosity and doing 1001 things using Go or lisp or whatever, I will try to stick to Python at least until I feel more confident with it.